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AFSILA - Americans for a Safe Israel - Los Angeles Chapter of AFSI

Americans For a Safe Israel


Americans For A Safe Israel
AFSILA is a chapter of AFSI.ORG in N.Y.

YJ Draiman and wife Miriam celebrating Israels 72 years of independence
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing

No Jew or Jewish government has the right to evict Jews from their historical land in Greater Israel. “Israel, including Judea and Samaria, and the land east of the Jordan River has been the land of the Jewish people since time immemorial, over 3000 years. Judea means Land of the Jews. Never in the history of the world has there been an autonomous state in the area that was not Jewish.” There has never been a Nation known as Arab Palestine. The Arabs received over six million sq. mi. – 13 million sq. km. of territory with a wealth of oil reserves, but that was not enough. Violating international law and treaty the British violated agreements and allocated over three quarters of Jewish allocated land to the Arabs as the new Arab state of Jordan. Now the Arabs want more; they will not stop until they have all of Israel without the Jews.

The Arab countries expelled over a million Jewish families and confiscated all their assets including businesses, homes and over 46,332 sq. mi. (about 120,000 sq. km. which is 6 times the size of Israel) of Jewish owned land for over 26 centuries (2600 years). The Faisal Weizmann Agreement of January 1919 stipulated that all of Palestine is Jewish territory. No Jews are allowed to live in Jordan or in the West Bank area controlled by the Arab Palestinian Authority – Now you see it is the Arabs who are committing ethnic cleansing, just like they cleansed over a million Jewish families from Arab countries and confiscated all their assets and now they are cleansing the millions of Christians and others.
The Oslo Accord is null and void as Abbas stated in the summer of 2015 at the U.N.
You; the Arabs have murdered the Jews and others and now you want to inherit them?


In view of past history of persecution; Israel and the Jews have an obsolete obligation to defend themselves at all costs. NEVER AGAIN. It must be in action not just words. No capitulation to the bias world.
YJ Draiman

Israel’s Unprecedented N.U.G. (National Unity Government)

April 24, 2020
Israel’s 15-month political stalemate, which led to three election cycles within the course of a year, has come to a close with the signing of a unity government deal between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, head of the Likud Party, and Blue and White Party head Benny Gantz. The two sides are calling it a “national emergency government” in large part to manage the ongoing coronavirus crisis, which has stymied Israel along with the rest of the world.


Both leaders posted tweets upon the signing. Netanyahu wrote that the deal is a fulfillment of his promise to form a “national emergency government that will work to save lives and the livelihoods of the citizens of Israel.” Gantz tweeted that “we prevented a fourth election. We will protect democracy. We will fight the coronavirus and care for all Israeli citizens.”

Democracy matters!

Change Elections – Change Israel!

For democracy to work it needs – Informed citizens – Alternate sources of information – Way to validate against other sources – Be able to separate fact from fiction, news from opinion, education from entertainment – How to decide?

"We have flown the air like birds and swum the sea like fishes, but have yet to learn the simple act of walking the earth like brothers!"

Benjamin Netanyahu sworn into Israel's new parliament after election win

Netanyahu attends a Likud party session at the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem on April 30, 2019.
Netanyahu attends a Likud party session at the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem on April 30, 2019.PHOTO: AFP

JERUSALEM (AFP) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was sworn into Israel's new parliament on Tuesday (April 30) following his victory in April 9 elections and will seek to form a governing coalition in the days ahead.

Netanyahu was among the 120 members of the Knesset, or parliament, sworn in during an official ceremony.

Stormy sessions could be in store for lawmakers, as they work to resolve key religious and state issues, and await a possible proposal that would shield Netanyahu from prosecution.

The premier faces potential indictment in the months ahead on charges of fraud, bribery and breach of trust.

Netanyahu's Likud party won 35 seats in the election, the same as his main opponents from the centrist Blue and White alliance, led by ex-military chief Benny Gantz.

But support from smaller right-wing parties allied to Likud led to a majority of 65 lawmakers backing Netanyahu to remain as premier for a fifth term.


On April 17, President Reuven Rivlin tasked Netanyahu with building a government.

He has 28 days to do so, with a possible extension of a further two weeks.

Netanyahu said in remarks to party members on Tuesday ahead of his swearing in that tough negotiations meant he may have to request the two-week extension.

After being sworn in, Netanyahu, who faced criticism during the campaign for comments seen as demonising Israeli Arabs, said "we shall continue to act for the benefit of every Israeli citizen without exception."

"We live in a rough environment which does not cease to make noise," he said in a speech.

"The Arab spring - that's what they call it - has not brought an end to instability, which strikes not only at our region but broad swathes of territory around us."

Rivlin in his speech before the new parliament urged lawmakers to move past the divisive election campaign.

"We have disparaged and been disparaged. We have distorted. We have worked overtime in the service of delegitimisation, hatred and execration," he said.

"Now, it's over. Enough. Time to climb up."


Netanyahu's support comes mainly from the nationalist right and the ultra-Orthodox Jewish parties.

Among issues likely to be tackled in the new parliament is the fierce debate over whether ultra-Orthodox Jews should perform mandatory military service.

The strengthening of the two ultra-Orthodox parties - to a combined 16 seats, up from 13 in the outgoing parliament - increased their clout and their opposition to the draft is central to their demands in the ongoing coalition negotiations.

Disagreement on the issue contributed to Israel holding early elections.

In addition, Netanyahu made a last-minute pledge ahead of the elections to annex settlements in the occupied West Bank, a move that could end remaining hopes for a two-state solution if carried out on a large scale.

Beyond that, Netanyahu faces the prospect of becoming the first sitting prime minister to be indicted.

The attorney-general has announced - pending a hearing - he intends to indict the premier for bribery, fraud and breach of trust.

Netanyahu is not required to resign if indicted, only if convicted with all appeals exhausted.

Bezalel Smotrich, a potential member of the premier's coalition, has said he wants to propose a law that would automatically shield lawmakers from prosecution, with a caveat that parliament would still be able to lift immunity in individual cases if a majority was in favour.

It is unclear whether the proposal will gain traction.

Netanyahu's outgoing government was considered the most right-wing in Israel's history and his next is expected to be at least as hawkish, if not more so.



Holding The New York Times RESPONSIBLE

By Helen Freedman   


Over 500 people gathered in front of the NY Times building on 8th Avenue @ 40th St. in NYC to protest against the vile, obscene cartoon that had appeared over the weekend in the International edition of the NY Times. It depicted a blind Trump, wearing dark glasses and a yarmulke, being led by a dog with the face of Netanyahu. The outrage over this Der Sturmer type of hatred prompted grass roots organizers, Jeff Wiesenfeld, Hillary Markowitz, Helen Freedman and Judy Kadish of AFSI, to quickly call for the protest at the Times. Starting time was scheduled for 5:30, but hundreds of people had gathered by 4:30. Jeff Wiesenfeld, the MC, opened the program with a denunciation of the Times for its 120 year old campaign of slander and bias against Israel and the Jews. Although the Times attempted to lay the blame for the cartoon on one careless editor, we know that the entire newspaper and its owners are responsible.


The impressive roster of speakers, including Assemblyman Dov Hikind, Prof. Alan Dershowitz, Rabbi Elie Abadie, and Alex Landsman, all sounded the same note in different ways. The shameful record of the Times, the evil words leading to evil deeds such as the latest terror attack in Poway, CA, the Times' support for the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel Congressional trio of Omar, AOC, and Tlaib, and the need to actively combat the rising anti-Semitism in America and world wide, were all laid out in detail.


Another theme that the crowd seemed to enjoy was that of the duplicity and uselessness of our Democratic elected officials. Where was the “Shomer Yisrael” - Schumer, on this issue? Where was Nadler? Engel? Any Democrats? There was only disgraceful silence. It was agreed that they would have to be voted out of office if possible. On the other hand, the crowd was urged to contact President Trump and PM Netanyahu, expressing concern about their depiction in the blasphemous cartoon and offering full support to them.


AFSI's Charlie Bernhaut again made powerful signs accusing the Times of having blood on its hands and finding it guilty for its 120 year record of anti-Semitism. Hillary Markowitz did an amazing job preparing professional signs and arranging for the sound and stage. A large contingent of the press was present, due in part to the superb efforts of our PR professional. The protest was covered prominently in the New York Post and major Israeli media outlets. It will be interesting to see if it gets covered in other US or international mainstream media or whether the fake news philosophy will prevail. 


Watch the video of the protest courtesy of Ido Siman Tov HERE.


Israeli Envoy Calls for Criminalizing Anti-Semitism After NYT Cartoon ~Tovah Lazaroff 


Israeli Ambassador Calls NYT ‘Cesspool of Hostility’ ~Ron Kampeas


NYT Publishes Another Anti-Semitic Cartoon, Days After Global Outrage ~Hagay Cohen

The new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem - May 14, 2018

By giving any parts of our land to the Arabs we are giving away our Jewish identity and connection to Israel.

We must preserve our Jewish Indentity and its historical territory or we are wiping out our identity that withstood wars and pogroms for thousands of years while other nations and coltures have disappeared we survived.

All the territory west of the Jordan River is Jewish territory.                      
The Arabs have Arab
Israel in Jordan which is 78% of Israel.                      
Oslo Accord is null and void.                                                                     
Let us take full control of our territory west of the
Jordan River.               
Anybody who objects to it can leave this territory and move elsewhere.
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, suit

Zehut’s Objectives

Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister


Judea and Samaria is Israel

Indeed, the prayer of our matriarch Rachel is effective:

"So says the Lord: Withhold your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for there is a reward for your endeavors, promises the Lord, and they shall return from the enemy's land.  And there is hope for your destiny, promises the Lord – the children will return to their borders."

"If I forget you Jerusalem, let my right hand lose its strength".

The memory of Jerusalem somehow is linked to our current vigor as a people.
In Jerusalem, God is seen, and felt, as a tangible presence.

Life, Liberty, and Justice  

Mission Statement



I. PRINCIPLES - as an organization we are committed to the principles of Zionism and Jewish Tradition. We believe that the future of the Jewish People is only in Israel. It is incumbent upon us, therefore, to mobilize all of our resources to assure the survival of Eretz Yisroel HaShlema as the Jewish Homeland.

II. OBJECTIVES - in order to implement our PRINCIPLES we propose to engage in the following activities:

A. Endeavor to assure that each and every one of our general meetings will reflect our PRINCIPLES and attract as many people as possible to our cause and membership.

B. Encourage the immigration of American Jews to Israel as the highest Zionist ideal in order to strengthen Israel, further the continuity of the Jewish People, and guarantee that our own descendants will remain in the Jewish fold. In this respect we should seek out and work with the Aliya representatives of the Jewish Agency and other like-minded organizations.

C. Work with and assist Jewish college and univer­sity students in our region who find themselves under attack from the anti-Israel, anti- Jewish forces on the academic campuses. Here too we must seek out and participate with other Jewish organi­zations who are already involved in this effort.

D. Wherever appropriate, encourage the involvement of Christians who support the existence of the Jewish People in Israel in our programs. 

The Jewish people are not only a national and political unit.
Since their first appearance on the stage of history they have been the personification of a moral will and the bearers of a historic vision which they inherited from the prophets of Israel. It is impossible to understand the history of the Jewish people and their struggle for existence—both when they were a nation rooted in their own soil and more or less controlling their own destiny, and when they were a wandering people, exiled and dispersed—unless we bear in mind the unique idea which their history embodies, and the stubborn opposition, not only physical, political, and military, but also spiritual, moral, and intellectual, which the Jews have always confronted.
In ancient times, our most important neighbors were Egypt and Babylon. The struggle with these mighty neighbors was political and military as well as cultural and spiritual. Israel's prophets spoke out against the spiritual influence of these neighbors on Israel's religio-moral concepts and social patterns. They advocated faith in one God, the unity of the human race, and the dominion of justice. Today, the Jewish people, having held their own, appear again in the same area in which they evolved. The entire environment in this region has been completely transformed since Bible days. The languages, religions, civilizations, and the very names of the ancient Middle Eastern peoples have disappeared. Yet Israel, though largely uprooted for two millenniums, continues its ancient traditions of language, faith, and culture—as it were, uninterruptedly.



The determination of the other frontiers of the said States, and the selection of the Mandatories, will be made by the Principal Allied Powers.


The High Contracting Parties agree to entrust, by application of the provisions of Article 22, the administration of Palestine, within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers, to a Mandatory to be selected by the said Powers. The Mandatory will be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2, 1917, by the British Government, and adopted by the other Allied Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, (with no boumdary restrictions) it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

The Mandatory undertakes to appoint as soon as possible a special Commission to study and regulate all questions and claims relating to the different religious communities. In the composition of this Commission the religious interests concerned will be taken into account. The Chairman of the Commission will be appointed by the Council of the League of Nations.

This confirms and enforces The San Remo Agreement of April 1920, Where Israel is to be reconstituted in all of Palestine which is historically The Land of Israel. (Napoleon announcement of reconstituting Isarael in Palestine in 1799 preceded the 1917 Balfour Declaration).  

The announcement made by our President Donald Trump, in an official statement recognizes Jerusalem as The Capital of Israel.
It reiterates an existing
U.S. Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 and meets the U.N. resolution below.
The consequence of the 1947 U.N. Resolution 181 to
Jerusalem’s status in our time.

If you believe that the 1947 U.N. resolution 181 is valid, which it is not valid; since the U.N. can only recommend; which is non-binding with no legal standing?
The United Nations Partition Plan of 1947
Resolution 181 (II). Future government of

The United Nations Partition Plan for
Palestine was a proposal by the United Nations, which recommended a partition of Mandatory Palestine at the end of the British Mandate. On 29 November1947, the UN General Assembly adopted the Plan as Resolution 181(II).
Jerusalem - The Statute elaborated by the Trusteeship Council on the aforementioned principles shall come into force not later than 1 October 1948. It shall remain in force in the first instance for a period of ten years, unless the Trusteeship Council finds it necessary to undertake a re-examination of these provisions at an earlier date. After the expiration of this ten year period the whole scheme shall be subject to re-examination by the Trusteeship Council in the light of the experience acquired with its functioning. 
The residents of the City of
Jerusalem shall be then free to express by means of a referendum their wishes as to possible modifications of the regime of the City. 
Since majority of the population of
Jerusalem is Jewish as has been since the early 1800’s, the vote of a referendum is for The Jewish people to take over the full control and sovereignty of Jerusalem. These terms are now in place and the U.N. or any other entity cannot change those terms. Therefore, any vote or statement by the U.N. or any of its administrative bodies that proposes to change those terms and facts are illegal and have no bearing.

Dr. Mordechai Kedar tells Al Jazeera why Israel can't make peace with the Arab world, until they make peace with themselves.

Moderator is asking. - Aren’t you afraid of the reaction of the Arab and the Muslim people?

Aren’t you scared of the situation on the Arab streets?

What do you think?

Dr. Kedar answered. - On the contrary The Arabs and the Muslims know that the origin of the name Al Quds (Jerusalem) is Beit El MuQaddas.  That’s what you guest the Sheikh said in the studio.  “Bayt al-Muqaddas” is the Arabic form of the Hebrew word of The Jewish Temple.  That is proof from the Arabic language; that the Jewish Temple was here and it was translated “Beit El MuQaddas”.  Anyone with any sense knows that. But we look, I say this in all honesty.  We in Israel are not interested in peace with the Arab world. Why, because you can’t give something you don’t have. The Arab world does not know what peace is.  The Sheikh - You don’t have anything either, you have nothing.  Dr Kedar - I would like to remind you Sheikh, Sheikh. You asked me to be quiet, right?  Look at what is happening between the Sunnis and Shiites, and between the Kurds and the Arabs; between the tribes of Libya and Yemen. See what’s happening in Iran and the Arab countries. Iran is collecting them like eggs from the floor. While the Arab world remains silent. There is no peace in, or outside, the Arab world.  We would love to have peace with the Arabs, but first broker peace between the Arab/Muslim groups, tribes, ethnicities, and religions. Only than we in Israel will join in the Arab peace. But right now the Arab world is a swamp of fire, tears and blood. Who would want to get close to you? Who would want to talk to you?  The Arab world is a failure! The Arab nation is a failure! Who would want you?  We in Israel are a progressive country, we are a Democratic State. We are a developing country part of the OECD. If Israel ever opened its gates to the Arabs Half of them would move to Israel the first day, and the other half the day after. That is the indisputable truth. Even in Al-Jazeera Studios.  

Only ones who do not stand with Israel are either anti-Semites, uninformed, refuse to face reality or suicidal. In view of the Historical, past behavior and practice of the Arabs/Muslims and its radical mantra attacking any non-Muslim and also attacking other Muslims and killing them by the hundreds of thousands which includes women and children. These radical Arab Muslims are brainwashed with a barbaric mentality that have no regard for human life and lack any trait of humanity, Fighting terrorism is not unlike fighting a deadly cancer. It can not be treated just where it is visible – every diseased cell in the body must be destroyed completely with no traces left.
When a poison strikes the human body, the only way to address it, is to remove it and destroy it completely. That is the way the terrorist organizations and its supporters should be treated.
YJ Draiman

Face it - No Arab-Palestinian state west of the Jordan River

If you read the 1917 Balfour Declaration (Which emulated Napoleons 1799 letter to the Jewish community in Palestine promising that The National Home for The Jewish people will be reestablished in Palestine, as the Jews are the rightful owners). Nowhere does it state an Arab entity west of The Jordan River. The San Remo Conference of 1920 which incorporated The Balfour Declaration into International Law does not state an Arab entity west of The Jordan River, confirmed by Article 95 in the 1920 Treaty of Sevres and Lausanne. The Mandate for Palestine terms does not state an Arab entity west of the Jordan River. It specifically states a Jewish National Home in Palestine without limiting the Jewish territory in Palestine. It also states that the British should work with the Jewish Agency as the official representative of the Jews in Palestine to implement the National Home of the Jewish people in Palestine. I stress again; nowhere does it state that an Arab entity should be implemented west of the Jordan River
As a matter of historical record, The British reallocated illegally over 77% of Jewish Palestine to the Arab-Palestinians in 1922 with specific borders and
Jordan took over additional territory like the Gulf of Aqaba which was not part of the allocation to Jordan.

No where in any of the above stated agreements does it provides for an Arab entity west of the Jordan River. The U.N. resolutions are non-binding with no legal standing, same applies to the ICJ. The Oslo Accords are null and void.

It is time to relocate the Arabs in Israel to Jordan and to the homes and the 120,000 sq. km. the Arab countries confiscated from the over a million Jewish families that they terrorized and expelled and those expelled Jews were resettled in Israel. They can use the trillions of dollars in reparations for the Jewish assets to finance the relocation of the Arabs and help set-up an economy and industry instead of living on the world charity. The Arab countries were allocated over 13 million sq. km. with a wealth of oil reserves.
YJ Draiman

P.S. Possession is nine tenths of the law – Israel has it.

Political Rights in Palestine aka The Land of Israel were granted only and exclusively to the Jews in all of Palestine and the right to settle in all of Palestine with no exclusions.

The Jewish people’s war of survival was not won when Hitler lost. It continues to this day, against enemies with more effective tools of mass murder at their disposal.

Plus we are easy to find now.

Could an Arab-Palestinian State in Israel ever be acceptable?


A second Arab-Palestinian State (Jordan is the first), especially in Israel (west of the Jordan River), is not viable; not even in theory.  There is nothing to debate. The past 70 years has proven that the Arab culture and mentality is not conducive to coexistence with its own people, much less with the Israelis.

If there is to be peace for Israel, and thus, the entire Middle East, it is imperative that Israel has a total crushing victory over its enemies.

Reviewing all the efforts Israel has tried in the past seven decades in trying to give the Arabs concessions has only returned more terror, violence, suicide bombing and encouragement to continue the terror and violence. The PLO and Hamas Charter state explicitly that they must fight Israel’s Occupation and all of Israel belongs to the Arabs. Thus, they consistently incite the Arab population to acts of terror and violence; actually educating their children to hate and kill Jews. 

Examining the facts of what has taken place in Gaza since 2005 proves instead of using their resources to build an economy and improve the lives of their people, the terrorist organizations who run Gaza used these resources to build attack tunnels, purchase weapons, rockets, missiles and other war making instruments and supplies. All the while taking a section of Gaza and turning it into luxury enclave for their leadership, while the rest of the population lacks the basic necessities to survive, which they blame on Israel

Gaza is nothing more than a terrorist entity promoting terror and violence against Israel and all Jews. No other country in the world would allow such a terrorist organization to exist within their borders.  An examination of the devastating effect on Europe and the U.K. from the Arab immigrants from the Middle East and the steps being taken by those countries to rectify the problem proves the above factual statement.  Perhaps those countries should set-up an Arab-Palestinian State within their borders.

The situation in other Arab/Muslim countries is no different with some minor exceptions. About 400,000 Arab-Palestinian were employed and living in Kuwait.  After the Gulf war against Iraq and Saddam Hussein of 1991, the Kuwaitis expelled the Arab-Palestinians due to their support of Saddam Hussein. If other Arab countries refuse to create a State for fellow Arabs, why should Israel be forced to create a State for the Arab-Palestinians?

Historical facts show Arab countries, in support of the Arab-Palestinian agenda, lost four wars against Israel since 1948. Now these same countries are using the illusion and deception that they want peace which can only be achieved by creating an Arab-Palestinian State in Israel.  With this insidious and deceptive approach they have managed to gain more in concessions than all their wars, and receive billions of dollars in financial support. These concessions by Israel and the financial support from nations of the world and the U.N. which the Arab-Palestinians continue to use to promote terror, killings and endless daily acts of violence against innocent Jews of Israel. They defraud and deceive the world by not using all the funds for the betterment of all Arab-Palestinians.

The Arab-Palestinians and their supporters are waging war against Israel under the guise of a “peace process”.  The solution to the Arab/Palestinian-Israeli confrontation lies not in more painful concessions, but by reversing the concessions by Israel.  The only true solution is for Israel to impose its' will and crushing the enemy so it cannot continue to wage terror and violence.  It should not, and cannot be ignored that the ultimate goal, the dream of Arab-Palestinians is to eliminate the Jewish state.  They have openly stated such and should be considered a declaration of war against Israel.   

What Israel needs is the world at large to mind its own problems and let Israel resolve the Arab-Palestinian problems without outside interference whatsoever.  Ironically, allowing Israel to put an end to the terrorist acts of the Arab-Palestinians is the best thing that could happen to the Arab-Palestinians.  It would liberate them from their destructive obsession and allow them to begin constructing their own polity, economy, society, and culture with the ultimate goal of becoming self-sufficient. 

Israel must have all the territory west of the Jordan River. It is legally and historically Jewish territory which was guaranteed by the Supreme Allied Powers as part of an international agreement after WWI.  At the same time the Arabs were allocated over 13 million sq. km. (6 million. sq. mi.) with a wealth of oil reserves, plus took over 75% of Jewish allocated land of Palestine and established the new Arab State of Jordan east of The Jordan River.  The new State of Jordan immediately expelled all the Jews and confiscated all their assets.  Furthermore, other Arab countries also terrorized and expelled over a million Jewish families who now reside in Israel and comprise over half the population.  These are the very same Jewish refugees from Arab countries which Arabs confiscated all their assets including, personal items, businesses, homes and over 120,000 sq. km. (46,332 sq. mi.) of Jewish owned Real estate for over 2,600 years.

It is going to be a monumental achievement to relocate the Arabs in Israel to Jordan and/or to other Arab countries.  However, it is a known fact that after WWII over 100 million refugees were resettled in various countries so it can be done.  However, by relocating the Arabs in Israel to the homes and land confiscated from the million expelled Jewish families is more than a fair exchange. Arab refugees being returned to Arab countries to replace the Jewish refugees wrongfully and forcefully expelled.  This would be a peaceful solution to the unending war being waged against Israel.

Another solution would be for the total and crushing defeat of all Arab-Palestinian organizations by Israel which would mark the beginning of the end of the wider Arab and Muslim war on Israel

YJ Draiman



If you read the 1917 Balfour Declaration (Which emulated Napoleons 1799 letter to the Jewish community in Palestine promising that The National Home for The Jewish people will be reestablished in Palestine, as the Jews are the rightful owners). Nowhere does it state an Arab entity west of The Jordan Rive. The San Remo Conference of 1920 does not state an Arab entity west of The Jordan River. The Mandate for Palestine terms does not state an Arab entity west of the Jordan River. It specifically states a Jewish National Home in Palestine without limiting the Jewish territory in Palestine. It also states that the British should work with the Jewish Agency as the official representative of the Jews in Palestine to implement the National Home of the Jewish people in Palestine. I stress again; nowhere does it state that an Arab entity should be implemented west of the Jordan River
As a matter of historical record, The British reallocated over 77% of Jewish Palestine to the Arab-Palestinians in 1922 with specific borders and
Jordan took over additional territory like the Gulf of Aqaba which was not part of the allocation to Jordan.

No where in any of the above stated agreements does it provides for an Arab entity west of the Jordan River. It specifically states political right to the Jewish people. The U.N. resolutions are non-binding with no legal standing.
YJ Draiman

’s Safety and Security Above all and at all costs

The State of Israel must always keep in mind its own sovereign obligations and be careful not to risk its capacity to perform the vital task of defending itself, its people, and its interests. Israel even under the most adverse conditions, it shall not capitulate to world pressure whereby its citizen’s safety and security is compromised. Israel must expel all Arabs who conduct and incite terror and violence, zero tolerance.

Israel has a responsibility to defend its people at all costs no holds barred. If all else fails, Israel may have no choice but to level Gaza and the Hezbollah in Lebanon. Israel will have to respond just like Britain and the Americans did to Germany in WWII when Hitler sent missiles the v2 rockets to London.


Free Israel from Arab/Muslim terror and Arab occupiers.


It is the Arab Conflict, not Israel. The Arabs want what Israel has; which they built with blood sweat and tears; well they cannot have it.

Israel is on its own historical territory of over 3,800 years, that with hard work and toil have turned the desert into green pastures with a first class technology and innovation that is helping all the people and nations in the world. The Arabs have over 12 million sq. km. of which 70% is vacant with a wealth of oil reserves and they also have Jordan which is Jewish territory.


Israel is a sovereign country which also serves as a land based Super-Large Aircraft carrier for the U.S. (with no risk to U.S. personnel) with much more amenities and a sophisticated intelligence apparatus. Israel is one of the worlds leading countries in sophisticated and innovative weapons technology and development of which the U.S. benefits greatly. Furthermore, it is Israel’s Medical innovation and other technology which the whole world benefits from.


President Donald Trump. Are you willing to help set-up and approve a terrorist Arab State in the United State? Your actions and deeds show you do not! Why would you want Israel to permit an Arab terrorist State in Judea and Samaria? Just see the results of giving the Arabs control of Gaza, which is now a terrorist entity that launches thousands of rockets at Israel and threatens its safety and security.

No sane leader or government would permit such a move or it will be replaced.


As long as world countries and leaders contribute money and support to the Arabs who promote hate and commit terror and violence, the terror hate and violence will continue.

As long as you treat Mahmmoud Abbas as a leader and not as a terrorist criminal (who has a murder conviction and an escapee from justice) who promotes and incites hate, violence and terror, the violence and terror will continue. Stop deluding yourselves that these Arabs are anything but terrorists who seek to destroy Israel and anyone who is not like them.


Mahmmoud Abbas and his Arab Palestinian authority are a terrorist entity and anyone who condones them is supporting terror and violence. Mahmmoud Abbas is a convicted murderer who is an escaped convict and belongs in Jail. Stop patronizing Abbas and start applying what he deserves, to be put in jail. He gladly admitted for sponsoring the Munich massacre and other terror acts. Abbas is playing the peace game as long as he can milk the nations of the world for billions of dollars and running a dictatorial terrorist entity.

The Arab PA is no different than Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon they are terrorist organizations.


There never was and will never be a second Arab-Palestinian State West of the Jordan River; they have Jordan which is Jewish territory.


Anyone who thinks about putting another terrorist entity in Judea and Samaria aka West Bank, needs to have his head examined, this type of thinking is an insidious delusion and any government considering such a proposal must be replaced. Such a move is suicidal to Israel especially in view of the results from Gaza, with thousands of rockets attacking Israel. Judea and Samaria is Jewish territory no concession of this territory is permitted. Israel is a sovereign country and Israel does not need anybody’s consent to apply its sovereignty to Judea and Samaria. Israel must expedite building housing, industry and roads in Judea and Samaria. No country has the right to interfere and or dictate to Israel how to conduct its internal affairs and or its safety and security.

Let the Arab-Palestinians in Judea and Samaria relocate to Jordan or the homes and territory of over 120,000 sq. km the Arab countries confiscated from the over a million Jewish families they terrorized and expelled from the Arab countries.

The Arab-Palestinian Authority with its leader Mahmmoud Abbas aka Abu Mazen the convicted murderer is a terrorist organization, just like Hamas and Hezbollah.

YJ Draiman

After a 50 day Israel's campaign against Hamas and its over 3,500 rockets - will there be peace?


Netanyahu: Hamas Abducted U.S. Teen - June 15, 2014

  1. As the search for three kidnapped teenagers enters its fourth day, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on the Palestinian Authority to take responsibility and help in the search. He and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas spoke for the first time in over year. "The abductors from Hamas came from an area under Palestinian Authority control and returned to PA-controlled territory," Netanyahu said. Secretary of State John Kerry said the U.S. is still gathering information, but "many indications point to Hamas’ involvement." In total, 150 Palestinians have been arrested in the search for the Israeli teenagers Gilad Shaar, 16, Eyal Yifrach, 19, and Naftali Frenkel, 16, who is a dual American citizen. A Palestinian was also killed in clashes with Israeli forces in Ramallah. The teens have been missing since Thursday night when they tried to get a ride home from their religious school in Gush Etzion, which is a block of settlements south of Jerusalem.  Right after the abduction, one of the teens managed to call the police hotline and say “We’ve been kidnapped.”
    Now Hamas admits it publicly!









"In Israel; We have to undue and reverse the decades of nonsense that the peace industry has fermented, which led us to the position where the world thinks we the Jews are occupiers in our own ancestral land.

If something is false and it is repeated enough times it becomes sort of common wisdom.

We have to undo that."

United State of Israel

"A Unified Israel is a Strong Israel" By YJ Draiman

Unity above all

We must learn to respect each other no matter what the religious affiliation or secular. We are all Jews, one people and one nation.

We must look ahead and learn from past mistakes and not dwell on them and look for blame. We must be unified and with a cohesive effort, we will find a solution.

The one thing that is common to all of solutions is that they required — or at least relied on — the other party’s good will. But in the absence of such a will, every agreement you attempt to implement is doomed before it has even started. Therefore, we must look not at the agreements we can or can’t achieve with our neighbors, but rather look at the agreements that we can achieve with ourselves!

Our motto should be something like, “When the going gets tough, the good get going,” because this is all we need to do — lend a friendly hand to one another, no questions asked. As we have been told a million times before, this unity will unleash all the powers we need in order to resolve our problems: social, economic, and political — both internally and internationally.

“A Unified Israel is A Strong Israel”

YJ Draiman

Almighty G-d, You have given us this good land for our heritage. We humbly ask You that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of Your favor and glad to do Your will. Bless our land with honorable endeavor, sound learning and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion, from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties and fashion into one united people the multitude brought here out of many nations and tongues. Endow with the Spirit of wisdom those to whom in Your Name we entrust authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that through obedience to Your law we may show forth Your praise among the nations on earth. In time of prosperity fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble do not allow our trust in You to fail. Amen.

The ideathat Israel should be a “Jewish state” seemed obvious at the outset, even to the UN. Its partition plan for Palestine, endorsed by the General Assembly in 1947, admonished that “no Arab shall be permitted to establish residence in the area of the proposed Jewish state.” (The same article imposed a parallel restriction on Jews in the “Arab state.”) Although stipulated as policy only for a “transitional period,” its inclusion in the plan reflected the avowed aim of securing a demographic and political center for the Jewish population. Israel’s declaration of independence the following year, identifying it as a “Jewish state,” was not seen as a bar to its subsequent membership in the UN.

US president recognizes Israeli sovereignty on Golan

The Golan Heights is "of critical strategic and security importance" to Israel and regional stability, says U.S. President Donald Trump • PM Netanyahu to Trump: "You made history" • Russia vows to "never recognize Israeli sovereignty" over the Golan.

"After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability!"

With these word posted to his official Twitter page on Thursday, U.S. President Donald Trump continued to make history.

As a reminder, in 2015 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that only the president has the authority to determine American recognition of other countries' sovereignty rights.

The U.S. will be the first country to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan, which the rest of the international community regards as disputed territory occupied by Israel whose status should be determined by negotiations between Israel and Syria. Attempts to bring Israel and Syria to the table have failed. It was not immediately clear how a U.N. peacekeeping force on the Golan might be affected by the U.S. move. That force's mandate expires at the end of June.

There had been signals a decision was coming. Last week, in its annual human rights report, the State Department dropped the phrase "Israeli-occupied" from the Golan Heights section, instead calling it "Israeli-controlled."

Israeli leaders were quick to welcome the president's historic decision.

Over the phone, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Trump, "You made history."

Netanyahu also tweeted: "At a time when Iran seeks to use Syria as a platform to destroy Israel, President Trump boldly recognizes Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights." He added: "Thank you President Trump!"

At a press conference Thursday with the visiting U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Netanyahu said: "The message that President Trump has given the world is that America stands by Israel."

The belief in Israel is that the administration will make the decision official next week, during Netanyahu's scheduled visit to the U.S. to attend the upcoming American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference in Washington, where he will also meet with Trump on Monday afternoon and Tuesday evening for an official state dinner.

Zvika Hauser, chairman of the Coalition for the Israeli Golan and a Knesset candidate for the Blue and White party, thanked Trump and Netanyahu, his party's main rival. "Amid the genocide in Syria, the U.S. president has chosen to stand for historical truth and justice. Trump and Netanyahu deserve thanks. On this day, politics are dwarfed by [the making] of history," he said.

Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon also thanked Trump.

"We are at the beginning of a historic moment for the State of Israel. President Trump once again proves the strength of the alliance between the U.S. and Israel," he said. "The time has come for the world to recognize that the Golan Heights is an inseparable part of the State of Israel."

Pence: 'America stands with Israel'

Following Trump's announcement, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Twitter: "America stands with Israel!"

Trump's special envoy to the Middle East, Jason Greenblatt, tweeted: "Another bold, courageous, and historic decision by [the president] who understands Israel and its security needs. Thank you President Trump for your tremendous leadership!

Senator Lindsey Graham, who recently visited the Golan Heights, tweeted, "President Trump's decision to recognize the Golan as part of Israel is strategically wise and overall awesome. Now I, along with Senator @tedcruz, will try to get Congress to follow your lead."

Cruz himself said, "I applaud [Trump] for taking the long overdue step of recognizing Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights."

AIPAC also issue a statement, saying: "Given current political and security circumstances in Syria, we have said it was inconceivable to imagine Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights. [Trump's] statement marks a dramatic change in American policy, and we appreciate his leadership on this issue."

However, the left-wing J Street lobby condemned Trump's decision.

While the organization acknowledged that the Golan Heights is a strategic asset for Israel, "premature U.S. recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan is a needlessly provocative move that violates international law and does not enhance Israeli security," said J Street President Jeremy Ben-Ami.

He added: "It's clear that this cynical move by Trump is not about the long-term interests of the U.S. or Israel, but rather about handing yet another political gift to Prime Minister Netanyahu in the hopes of boosting his chances for re-election next month."

Russia, meanwhile, said Thursday that it will never follow in Trump's footsteps.

"Russia will never recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Trump is damaging to the international community and to the Arab world," said Oleg Morozov, member of the Federation Council's Foreign Affairs Committee.

Russia's Foreign Ministry said on Friday that a change in the status of the Golan Heights would be a direct violation of United Nations decisions.

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